Spain unveils its second 1 billion euro 500MW green hydrogen project

The project’s co-developers have announced a 1.2GW solar power plant in central Spain to power a 500MW green hydrogen project to replace grey hydrogen made from fossil fuels.

The ErasmoPower2X plant, which cost more than 1 billion euros, will be built near the Puertollano industrial zone and the planned hydrogen infrastructure, providing industrial users with 55,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year. The minimum capacity of the cell is 500MW.

The project’s co-developers, Soto Solar of Madrid, Spain, and Power2X of Amsterdam, said they had reached an agreement with a major industrial contractor to replace fossil fuels with green hydrogen.


This is the second 500MW green hydrogen project announced in Spain this month.

Spanish gas transmission company Enagas and Danish investment fund Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) announced in early May 2023, 1.7bn euros ($1.85bn) will be invested in the 500MW Catalina Green Hydrogen project in North-East Spain, which will produce hydrogen to replace ash ammonia produced by fertiliser maker Fertiberia.

In April 2022, Power2X and CIP jointly announced the development of a 500MW green hydrogen project in Portugal called MadoquaPower2X.

The ErasmoPower2X project announced today is currently under development and is expected to receive full licensing and a final investment decision by the end of 2025, with the plant starting its first hydrogen production by the end of 2027.

Post time: May-16-2023
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